
Showing posts from September, 2019

All about the Descendant 7th house astrology

The Descendant cusp of the 7th house The natural house of Libra which is ruled by Venus Angular or Cardinal house Crystal associated with the 7th house - Rose Quartz (carry rose quartz if you want to bring more love and compassion into partnerships and relating with others) The descendant is the sign opposite the ascendant over the western horizon at time of birth. It represents partnerships, marriage, professional partnerships including clients and the other. It is how we engage in relationships. The   7th house is how we relate to others. Planets in the 7th house, the ruler of the 7th house and aspects to the ruler will help determine what type of partner you are attracted to, and your wants and needs within partnerships. For example in my chart I have Mercury in the 7th, I have attracted Geminis and Virgos into relationships. My marriage partner is a Virgo.   My 7th house ruler is in the 1st house and with Aries on the descendant I am assertive when exp

All about the Ascendant and 1st house in Astrology

Where were you born and what time? Finding out the time and place of birth of someone that you are not reading for can be a bit of a challenge. How do you slip it in the conversation without appearing too nosy? It's not something you can naturally ask straight away when meeting someone,   unless they're obsessed with astrology like you. There is a bit of an art to obtaining this data point without appearing too full on, patience is key - after building some rapport and casually mentioning your obsession with astrology it will be   easier to ask ;) Along with date of birth, time and place of birth is the key to thoroughly understanding someone's natal chart. That information tells us what sign was on the eastern horizon the time they took their first breath in this world, at that point a snapshot of the heavens is taken and that is your star map for this life time. Note the time of birth can also be inaccurate because it really depends on how pr

An interpretation of Princess Diana's Astrological T Square

                                T-square Uranus Opposite Moon/ Square Venus Uranus the planet of individuality, evolution and freedom is in the sign of Leo the fixed fire sign which is creative, proud, playful and demands attention. This shows up in the house of shared resources, merging with others, sex and death. The Moon which is the emotions and instincts of the native, is in Aquarius which is the rebellious, individualistic and humanitarian sign and is located 2nd house of values, self-worth and resources. These planets are in opposition, this means the energies are pulling in different directions and create a see-saw effect, and there is a need to balance out the opposition. With Uranus being the dispositor of Moon in Aquarius the link is stronger between these 2 planets. The Moon opposing Uranus means a lot of emotional instability and upheaval in relation to her merged assets in her marriage and her personal value system. There was a po