
Showing posts from June, 2019

An interpretation of Oprah Winfrey's nodal story

  South node in Cancer 7th house Oprah's past life/ early life lessons to overcome is a tendency towards being ruled by emotions to seek out habitual comforts as a form of self-protection, also clinging to the past and being too needy with others. This shows up in her the part of life of one to one partnerships, including romantic relationships and close friendships. In summary Oprah has to overcome using her close relationships as a security blanket and the desire to be taken care of, these relationships can hold her back, keep her living in the past and constantly clinging on to what was and what could have been. North node in Capricorn 1st house Oprah needs to learn and develop in this life in order to obtain fulfillment is to be ambitious, determined, patient and resilient.   This is building her skill set and expertise; by showing she is committed and not afraid of responsibility and stoic in the face of adversity. This lesson shows up in her part o

Mars in Leo 4th House square Moon in Scorpio 7th house

Mars which is the energy, drive and assertiveness is expressed through the fixed, fire sign Leo which is ruled by the Sun. Leo is playful, proud and regal and this gives the individual energy that is purposeful, demands attention and not afraid to lead. In the 4 th house this shows up in the area of life which rules early childhood, roots and home-life.  The Moon which is the instincts, emotions and internal nature is in the fixed water sign Scorpio which is ruled by Pluto. Scorpio is all about depth, intimacy and intensity and a Scorpio moon individual has a depth of emotion, is naturally suspicious, private and protective and feels very deeply.  In the 7 th house of partnerships and marriage they draw in deep emotional and possessive relationships and partnerships. The square causes a lot of tension between the energy in their family life and partnerships which could result in power struggles and conflicting demands between life partners (including business partners)